Monday, January 10, 2011

tres hombres.

q3. A picture and/or description of your favorite place in your world.

one of my favorite places in the world i think is bear lake. i have gone there almost every summer since elementary school, and its definitely the highlight of my summers. boating trips are always my favorite because you just get to be lazy on the beach, eat food all day, drink diet coke and when the water is calm (which is very rare there) go wakeboarding/slalom skiing. my family also stays in this really old cabin, which even tho its a little ghetto, i think it makes the trips even more fun. we have many late night card games (uno is our favorite, negligence= the game from hell) and ohhhing and ahhing at the meteor showers.

last year we did something new and stayed a night at the KOA which was so much fun. from the attempted blue darts, to getting bruises from trying to do glowsticks with a flashlight.. definitely some good times i'll never forget! anyhow, bear lake is filled with good memories and is just one of my favorite places.


  1. yeah gurl! This trip was A-mazing and this pic is pricelss....

  2. negligence!!!! koahhh! good mems fo sho. such a great pic
