Saturday, January 22, 2011


thanks to jenna's laughing post, i am inspired for a good blog about laughing. really, laughing truly is the best medicine. have you eve been crying really hard about something, and then once you stop crying, you just laugh at anything and it makes you feel instantly better? i looove that. or when you get the giggles at inappropriate times. oh boy i have the perfect example of this...
so a few years ago, we were one of my sister brynn's harp concerts in a cathedral downtown. k at those buildings, the accoustics are really good and after the songs, the sounds keep ringing. well, at the end of one of the songs, the choir and all the instruments were really loud and had a dramatic cutoff.. so at the exact second of the cutoff, my little brother decides the fart really loud. (holy i am crying laughing just writing this haha) i immediately look down the row to my brother, dad, sister and they were all looking forward with straight faces. i was shocked because it was like how did they not hear that??! i start cracking up and my dad looks at me and is shaking his head to be quiet but i couldn't restrain myself. i lost it. i couldn't stop the tears and the giggs for the rest of the concert. the lady sitting next to me kept on asking me to be quiet too but i couldn't stop. haha ohhh man, sooo hilar.
anyways, i wanted to share a few vids that i looove to watch to make me in a good mood.

(sorry about the sideways ones)


  1. a. love jeffery and i die laughing everytime i watch this.
    b. does brynn know her dance video is on youtube?!
