Wednesday, March 30, 2011


all i can say is.. the last trip to st.geezy gave me fever.
the theme song of our trip was 'fever' by michael buble. we were some sassy, classy ladies last weekend..

from living the high life in barrys ama-za-zing house

to dancing in our robes..

to skinny dipping in freezing cold pools in the middle of the day,
 to belting out whitney and celine in the car..

to late night hot tub sesh's, 
to hikes that allow you to commune with nature so much, you can actually hear the energy above and around you...

aka underneath powerlines.. so natural

to losing my thai food virginity, also 
my vegas virginity... all i can say is it gave me fever.
especially vegas. i can't stop thinking about or planning my 21st birthday weekend extrodinare.
i have been browsing cheap hotels to stay in and this is what it comes down to...

if i can have as much fun as these people seem to be having, im going to the excalibur for sure! 

i could also attend this show if i stayed here..

next i came across this little gem of a place, circus circus. you can be entertained while you gamble with your dealertainers!

last but not least, i could stay at the imperial palace and meet a fine assortment of people. all different ages and races. 

( i call dibs on the indian with the mullet)

these are some fine places, but i think i'll keep looking.. any suggestions of good places to stay in vegas??
and can august 20th get here sooner please?!?!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


so tomorrow i am headed south to st. geezy and vegass with my sister brynn aka kim and malorie.
should be a grand time. this will be my third consecutive weekend in the good ol geezer. 
for some reason, i am in a really random mood so i thought tonights topic should be random.

while facebook creeping i came across the word FART and started laughing to myself. i don't know 
what it is about the word fart that is so hilar to me. i deff think its my favorite word. it just makes me happy.

(def a lot of this is going to happen this weekend, so brynn and mal, beware!)

i finally cracked and bought a ringtone for my cell phonne since i couldnt take the elevator music ones anymore.
 its 'call on me' by eric prydz.
its quite catchy as of now, however i will probably end up hating that song in a few weeks. 
i have learned to never make songs your alarm sound, becuz in a few short days you learn to despise that song.

i am obsessed with native american decor. one day im going to have a native american
themed room in my house. ps. new trend with feather extensions = OBSESSED

i can't WAIT for khloe and lam lam to have their own show! no offense kourt and kim,
but your show is actually boring me a little this season. its missing the main ingredient: khloe.

funny commercial of the week:

i really hope i see someone famous in vegas this weekend. like REALLY bad.
i LOVE famous people. except for charlie sheen. he can just die.

last but not least, i wish i was still in hawaii. 
there really is something magical about those islands and i want to go back!!!

goodnight ya'll

Monday, March 14, 2011

erin & brynn take hawaii

so since you all know, me and my sisters are a little obsessed with the kardashians. on our recent trip to hawaii, we decided to make a vid kourt and khlo style. so here is the premiere of erin & brynn take hawaii. enjoy :)

just a quick shout out to daddy for making this trip happen, and to all our viewers and fans out there. We love you dolls!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011


i am currently laying in bed in our hotel room in st. george listening to the awful sound of snoring... it's the kind of snoring that is really quiet, then becomes louder, and louder, then the gurgle of the mouth, then the loud breathing out of the mouth, then another loud snore, and then you finally think its gone and then.... bam! it starts all over again.. killl me now. its the worst noise in the world. my future husband better not snore cuz its definitely a deal breaker and a noise i will never get used too. i am really tempted to throw at pillow at the snorer..... 

Monday, March 7, 2011

Les Miserables

so this past weekend i watched Les Mis with my mom and i fell in absolute love with it. i have heard the songs before and seen the play before when i was little and thought it was the most boring thing in the entire universe. but as i watched it this weekend, it brought tears to my eyes and gave me chills every 2 seconds because everyone's voices are soooo good! every song is so so good and the story is just incredible. its amazing how each actor puts emotion into every word and make you feel part of the story with every word they sing. and i really enjoy that nick jonas is in it. even tho i don't think he has the most 'broadway' voice, i think he does a good job. and he's real cute so that helps :) if you haven't seen it, YOU HAVE TO! its coming to utah this summer and i just might have to go to it.